Saturday, December 17, 2011

Does Fat Make You Fat?

How to Lose Weight Fast - The truth about Fat Burning Foods and Weight Loss Programs

Apparently there are a lot of foods that help you burn fat. It seems a little foreign to most of us who have been conditioned to accept the premise that we should avoid fats in our diet.

Certain fats do cause weight gain but other good fats will actually burn unwanted fat off your body and accelerate your metabolism. This is explained in much more detail in the following video “Does Fat make you Fat?”.


This Video, called: Does Fat Make You Fat? The truth about Fat Burning Foods and Weight Loss Programs  is presented by The Diet Solution Program. It is a real eye-opener
as a losing weight process, because it "debunks" a lot of myths and assumptions which we make every day with regards to our nutrition.           .   .   .  June


The Top 5 Foods that KILL Body Fat
(and 2 Foods to STOP Eating)
by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer
Author of best-selling program:  The Truth about Six-Pack Abs

1. Did you know that so-called "whole grains", which you thought were healthy, might actually be making you GAIN more body fat, and make you sluggish?

2. Did you know that other foods marketed as "healthy" such as soymilk, soy protein, and other processed soy products contain specific concentrated compounds that can cause something in your body referred to as "stubborn belly fat"?

3. Are you aware that some foods that you might actually think are unhealthy, such as whole eggs can actually HELP your body to burn abdominal fat? And yes, that includes eating the yolks!

Let me explain...

In this report, I wanted to show you some shocking facts about some of the foods that you are already eating. Some of these foods are marketed to you as "health foods" but are actually silently making you gain extra stomach fat!

I'm also going to surprise you by showing you a couple foods that you probably thought were unhealthy, but can actually help you to burn off stubborn abdominal fat faster.

I want to show you some valuable ways to lose stubborn body fat, and stop being fooled by the deceptive marketing of the giant food conglomerates, who want you to buy more of their cheap processed foods that are making you fatter, while they claim these foods are "healthy" for you.

My name is Mike Geary, and I've been working as a nutrition researcher, author of 3 different fitness and nutrition books/programs (including the world-famous Truth about Six-Pack Abs program), personal trainer, and Certified Nutrition Specialist for over a decade now. In that time, I've discovered some MAJOR issues about the way that you're being deceived by big food companies, and how this is making you pack on more belly fat.

For more of this report click here